School: Paintsville High School, Paintsville Independent
Grade/Subject: ELA – English Grades 10 & 11, AP Language and Composition
Years of Experience: 20
Charlene is a National Board Certified Teacher!
I wanted to be a teacher from the time I started school. Actually, it was even earlier than that because I would help my grandmother carry milk across a swinging bridge from her house to a head start program in a little church across the creek. (I feel very old describing that scene.) I always loved the teachers’ enthusiasm and school decor. Around the same time, I watched as my cousins boarded the bus daily and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t go along too. Throughout school, I was influenced by strong teachers who loved students and the profession, and I knew I wanted to be just like them. As a junior in high school, I finally decided I wanted to major in secondary English because of the influence of my own American literature teacher. She showed me the potential of language and great books in a way I had not experienced. Mrs. Gilman taught me to be confident in my own writing and inspired me to read and write more often. Her passion for the subject was contagious.
My favorite thing about being a teacher is working with students, especially in small groups or one-on-one. I love the energy in the room when students find a lesson or discussion particularly engaging, and I value the relationship that is forged when conferring with a student. Building relationships that last for years beyond high school is especially rewarding, and I enjoy watching as they journey through the different phases of life.
When I’m not teaching, I enjoy spending time reading, watching movies, taking walks, and spending time with my daughter.
If I could have a superpower, I would probably choose teleportation so that I could save time, see the world, and avoid the morning rush to school. However, telepathic communication would be an interesting choice in this profession!
Follow Charlene on Twitter: @MartiTeaches