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Educators Rising Kentucky State Conference 2024 Breakout Presentations

Breakout 1 (10:15-11:15)

Relationships Matter- Andrea Starnes, Monroe County Schools (201)

 No significant learning occurs without significant relationships.  In the world of education, we must intentionally work on establishing meaningful relationships with our students, our parents, and our colleagues.  My session will focus on effective steps in making learning personal, strategies to use within the classroom, and resources to get them started.  Students are more likely to be emotionally and intellectually invested in their learning in classes where they have established positive relationships with their teachers.  I want to help our future educators to build those meaningful relationships. 

KET and PBS Resources for Educators, Stacey Holmes, KET (203)

KET and PBS Learning Media offer a large variety of developmentally appropriate learning resources for educators of all ages. Join us as we explore these resources and take part in hands on learning experiences that can be incorporated in your classrooms, no matter what age group you teach. 

Servant Leadership: A Natural Fit for Developing Stronger Emotional Intelligence- Rocky Wallace, Campbellsville University (205)

The modeling of servant leadership provides the opportunity for growth in how well we understand and communicate with others. The resulting “more we, less of me” mindset can lead to a more trusting, relationship-driven, effective school culture and community–with stakeholders working together with compassion and a focus on service.

Breakout 2 (11:45-12:45)

Anxiety + Avoidance: Signs + Solutions- Charle Peck, Thriving Educator, LLC.  (201) 

Why does anxiety seem to be so prevalent these days? What is it, and how does it show up? Since avoidance is a typical response (for both staff + students), we tackle this challenge by describing the brain process and provide practical solutions to mitigate this common concern.

“Be Like Water:” Developing employability/Life Skills- Chelsea Tingle, Henry County Schools (205) 

Bruce Lee’s famous quote emphasizes the importance of being flexible, adaptable, and open to change. These skills come from a mindset of growth and in order to have a long, successful tenure in education, we have to be like the water, it is soft and yielding, yet powerful and unstoppable. It can flow around and through any obstacle and take on any shape. Hear how these strategies can help you in your future career!

Breakout 3 (1:00-2:10) 

How Do You Keep a Job? -Sharon Collins, Kentucky Department of Education (201)

This session will actively engage participants in practicing Employability Skills needed to remain employed and be successful in the workplace.   

The Big Picture of the Teaching Profession- Dr. Franklin B. Thomas, Campbellsville University (205)

Teaching, assessing, and managing students inside the classroom is the core of a teacher’s job, but what does the big picture look like?  Essential questions will include…

  • How can you best collaborate with the school office staff, district office staff, parents, and community?
  • What opportunities do extracurricular activities and professional organizations hold for you?
  • What do you need to know about school governance and operations (e.g., school-based decision-making, comprehensive school improvement plans, school board policies)?
  • How do non-tenured and tenured contracts work?
  • What educational goals do you need to be considering beyond your initial teacher certification?