Where do you teach? Graves County High School
What subject(s)/grade(s) do you teach? 10-12th, (Dual Credit) US History, APGOV, EDU 180/280, Collaborative Clinical Placement
How many years have you taught? 22
Why did you become a teacher? I changed my mind about going into the law field. I was passionate about History and Politics and transferred my major. I have always enjoyed working with young people from the time I was a teenager. My mother was also a reading teacher and influenced my decision to become a teacher.
What has been the best part of teaching that you didn’t expect when entering the profession? The best part of teaching is making connections with students. I didn’t realize the influence we had on so many people. I love keeping in touch with students after they have graduated and seeing the successes they have accomplished.
What is one thing you wish non-teachers knew about what you do? Teaching is hard. It is not an 8 am-3 pm job. You will need to work after school hours. You will be called upon to do so much more than share content knowledge.
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as a teacher? My greatest accomplishment as a teacher is continuing to grow future teachers. I am passionate about the Teaching and Learning Pathway.
What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t teaching? I love to read and spend time with my family. In the summer, pool time is my favorite.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? If I could have a superpower, I would love the ability to snap my fingers and assignments would grade themselves. Often times as teachers, I feel like we feel like we have to grade everything in order to provide feedback and we get bogged down in this. Or we assign less in order to not have to grade it.