Where do you teach? Martha Layne Collins High School
What subject(s)/grade(s) do you teach? Teaching & Learning Pathway and Spanish II
How many years have you taught? 6
Why did you become a teacher? I originally became a teacher for practical reasons. I wanted to use my bilingual skills and have a schedule that aligned with my own children’s schedules. I fell in love with teaching because of the relationships I’ve built with my students over the years. I have worked with every age group except for middle school, and have found that I love teaching each age for a different reason. Over the past three years, I have especially enjoyed watching my high school students mature into amazing young adults and go off to life. Many stay in touch and it is so fulfilling knowing I had a role in helping them get where they are today!
What has been the best part of teaching that you didn’t expect when entering the profession? When I came into my career as a teacher, I was teaching Spanish and expected that to always be the case. I stepped in to help out with our Teaching and Learning Pathway last year, and I have been surprised by how much I enjoy teaching those classes.
What is one thing you wish non-teachers knew about what you do? Teachers work so many hours that are never seen by those not in the educational field. While it is often exhausting, it is equally rewarding to make an impact on children’s lives.
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as a teacher? Without a doubt, my greatest accomplishment has the relationships I’ve formed with my students, who often come to me long after they’ve left my class. Some students stop by to visit during school, others send me photos of their college dorms, one hopes to come back and speak to our classes because she is becoming a teacher!
Favorite thing to do when you aren’t teaching? I love to paint when I am calm and relaxed. I also enjoy spending time with my family making memories. We all enjoy traveling, eating out, and watching movies together. Sometimes we pull out our old school Nintendo and see who can reach the highest Tetris score.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? The ability to do ten things at once and not make mistakes! I’m a teacher, so that one feels pretty self-explanatory.